Monday 2 July 2012

Malta Star: From tolerance to rights - Joseph Muscat
Thursday, 28 Jun 2012, 17:41

Labour Party leader Joseph Muscat said that our country must move from tolerance to rights, which aims to lead us forward to equality. To achieve this objective, there must be a government that believes in equality with conviction.

A government with conviction understands and respects the love between two people and does not interfere in their intimate lifes.

This video message with the theme 'A Fair Society - It gets better' was given by Dr. Joseph Muscat and was issued and posted on the occasion of Pride Week 2012, organized by the Malta Gay Rights Movement. The video is part of the international campaign 'It gets better, via the website .

Dr Muscat forwarded a message of hope to those young people who are discovering their sexual orientation, and reiterated that they also have a bright future ahead of them.

"This is the society that I'm aspiring to live in, a society that not only is tolerant, but one which embraces, understand and gives rights to every couple, every family," said Dr Muscat.

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