Friday 30 March 2012

Times: What do students think about same-sex marriage?
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Just like opposite-sex marriages have legal coverage, so should same-sex marriages. I feel it is their right as human beings. I don’t feel gay marriages are going to affect the rest of us negatively.
Gay people are normal people just like you and me, and we all have the right to choose the lifestyle that is best for us and in which we feel most comfortable. From childhood, we are always told that the ‘right’ thing is having a man and a woman getting married, and we are not exposed to the reality of the gay community.
I think there is still a very strong stigma against being gay, and often we end up with people turning this stigma into plain hatred.
This leads to a breach of basic human rights for gays and lesbians, such as the right to get married.
Holy Matrimony and religion is a different issue. The Church has the right to stick to its principles, but legal marriages should be the basic acceptable option for same-sex unions.
We need to accept that same-gender relationships exist and gay people have rights and needs just like everyone else. Martina Cauchi, BA Engineering and Architecture, 3rd year.

It is important that there is full equality for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender individuals; this includes marriage, or an equal legally recognised substitute to marriage. Of course, for full equality to be achieved same-sex marriage should be legalised.
It is definitely not justifiable for anyone to impose their views on LGBT individuals; this would be like imposing my rights on someone of a different race, or nationality.
Civil marriage is what is sought by LGBT individuals, so that their partnership can be legally accepted. This does not mean a marriage in church is irrelevant. What LGBT individuals seek is for their partnerships to be recognised by law with all the benefits that come with it, including the right to start a family. Romina Tolu, B.Comm, 2nd year.

Same-sex unions will surely change the dynamism of society. The Church has taught me that a sacred marriage is between three people: a man, a woman, and God, and I thoroughly believe in heterosexual unions.
The major dilemma over legalising same-sex marriages is the possibility that this would un­der­mine the institution of marriage.
I can’t say that two people in a gay relationship love each other superficially because they couldhave the deepest relationship that can ever exist. Christians do not hate homosexuals; disagreeing with a particular lifestyle is not hate.
Homosexuals have the right to live the life they want to and cohabit with the person they love, because ultimately everyone is free. A democratic society entails these rights and freedom, obviously without disrupting the lives of others.
The Church retains the right to call heterosexual marriage a sacrament. However, the government is separate and independent from the Church and thus is under no obligation to follow the Church’s ideas. But sometimes the authorities have the right to impose on the life of others in certain circumstances, especially when the majority of people would be affected.
Society has always encouraged and supported heterosexual marriages. According to some people, this is just a case of the Church trying to impose its own rules and values.
In Genesis it is written that woman was created to be the partner for the man. They are no longer two, but one flesh. If the nation is under God then it should abide by God’s rules.
Gender stereotypes play another role in impeding society from accepting homosexual unions. Same-sex relationships are viewed as being unnatural and that they shouldn’t exist. Unfortunately, this stereotyping can have very negative effects, as seen on the local news recently.
I believe Maltese people still have to understand a lot of things before actually discussing this issue and that a line shouldn’t be drawn so quickly. It’s not a matter of homophobia; it’s a matter of what one believes in. Maria Azzopardi, B.Communications with Italian, 2nd year.

[Click on the hyperlink above to view the comments on the Times' website.]

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